Dennis is available for all manner of concerts, celebrations, festivals, private parties, television tapings, studio work, events large and small, weddings, wakes and funerals.

Dennis Doyle with Harp Dennis plays the Celtic harp beautifully while he sings and tells stories about Irish culture. More than a harp concert, the presentation is an entertaining glimpse into Ireland's history and people, a sample of the ancient harping tradition of the Irish bards. This type of program is best on an intimate stage, in a cultural tent, a "hedge school", or a harp or "folk" stage or on a Gaeltacht stage.

Dennis can also do workshops in various areas of Irish culture. He is a tenured college professor of Humanities who teaches a course in Irish History and Literature. Lectures are accompanied by appropriate music on the harp. He can lecture as Gaeilge (Irish Language) as well as teach Irish language songs.Ta Gaeilge againn

Sample programs among others might be:

-The Celtic Harp

-The bards and Irish history

-Irish Saints and Scholars

-Celtic Spirituality

-Intro to James Joyce

-Intro to the Irish Language

Dennis Doyle with Harp If a Catholic Liturgy or Sunday Service is featured at the event, Dennis is an experienced liturgical musician who can plan, lead, cantor, or participate in the Liturgy in any way required. He knows several Celtic themed Mass settings in English and in Irish-Gaelic. In addition to harp, Dennis is also a singer and a pianist.

If a cultural program is scheduled in prelude to the festival as is done in many festivals, Dennis can teach week-long programs in Celtic Harp, Irish History, Irish Literature, Celtic Spirituality, and Introductory Irish Language.

The Harp has been the symbol of Ireland since the time of Henry VIII, impressed onto coinage at the time, however representations of triangular harps have been noted on high crosses dating to the all aspects of Irish culture, the harping tradition should be present, as should the Irish-Gaelic language.

Dennis' fee is negotiable, but is generally quite reasonable and usually includes housing and transport to the fairgrounds/venue and an opportunity to sell CD's. Unless you have sponsorship with an airlines, Dennis usually arranges his own transport from California.
Click here for all questions and booking inquiries.